Contact us

How can we help?

To save you time, we've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below.

Where do I find the user manual for my product?

The user manual for your product is available on its product detail page on our website. Simply navigate to the product's page, scroll to the 'Specifications' section, and click on 'See full specs' to access it.

How do I find the serial number for my product?

The location of the serial number can vary between products. Please refer to your product's user manual or contact our Customer Care Centre for assistance.

I'm experiencing problems with my product. Where can I get more information?

Our Customer Care Centre is ready to assist you 8am-8pm, weekdays (excluding Christmas). You can reach us by calling 0800 424 372­

Where can I buy parts and accessories for my product?

To have parts and accessories delivered to your door, please call us at 0800 424 372­ during our business hours.

Contact us Wayfinding

Still need help?

Our team is available 8am-8pm, weekdays
(excluding Christmas).
Contact us at

0800 424 372­

Office address

Haier Appliances
78 Springs Rd­ East Tamaki
New Zealand